Welcome to IndieBits

IndieBits is a community centered around decentralization. Let’s talk about self-hosting, data ownership, open protocols, interoperability, privacy, individual agency in computing, the health impacts of technology choices, and everything in between.


Is it somehow related to IndieWeb?
I also made a list of some selfhosting movements and projects


Hi @stokito,

Thanks for sharing your project! I’m looking forward to reading more about Yurt Page, and I’ve added your list to our links page

IndieBits.io isn’t directly affiliated with IndieWeb, but IndieWeb is definitely an inspiration and shares a lot of principles. I’m planning an overhaul of my personal website in large part so that I can implement many of the IndieWeb protocols.

I created IndieBits in part because I feel like a lot of the selfhosting community currently is heavily focused on educating people about servers, DNS, port forwarding, tunneling, NAT, CGNAT, TLS, firewalls, system updates, etc etc. I think this is great, but I want to lower the barrier of entry to selfhosting and make it more accessible for less technical people. So that’s a bit more of the focus here.


Hello, I’ve just discovered this community, I’ve also just discovered SirTunnel/boringproxy/takingnames and all the self-hosting solutions you have on github, amazing work!
I’m excited to share a project with this community that I think is in line with your values - Nostr. It’s an open network protocol based on cryptographic identities, with a thriving community of hackers, self-hosters and people who value self-sovereignty and freedom. I think the ethos of nostr really resonates with the spirit you embody through your software and this community.

I encourage you to explore nostr and connect with the people working on it. Here are some resources if you want to dig a little:

Nostr’s official introduction: https://nostr.com/
Nostr repo: GitHub - nostr-protocol/nostr: a truly censorship-resistant alternative to Twitter that has a chance of working
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need help getting started with nostr!