Host: Brand new nerdrack kvm vps.
Ubuntu 18.04 with Docker - which - was probably a mistake.
Windows Server 2025
Anyway, OpenSSL was old (6 something) and I managed to update it to 8.9.
So the handshake error… went away.
Now though, I don’t get any errors.
I think I preferred the errors.
The client gets stuck on “SyncTunnels” and never progresses.
If the server isn’t running, it gives
Failed to create client. Ensure the server is running. URL: /api/clients/?client-name=&user=admin
Attempting to go to the tunneled site gives
Get “http://localhost:40167/”: dial tcp [::1]:40167: connect: connection refused
Which — fine. Yes. The tunnels weren’t connected, so it can’t get there. That one makes sense! But it isn’t helpful.
It just… hangs there. For a VERY long time.
Help would be nice!
Though it sounds like you’re working on a new version - and I can be patient.
I have cloudflared setup and working - but wanted to go full self hosting.
There’s no rush for me on fixing this - I needed a frustrating project for the day, and I got one.
I’ve deleted the *.json file on the server side, but never got the terminal to post the Token - so I don’t know if I’ve managed a full reset on the server side. That MIGHT be part of the problem. (I retrieved it from the json after the fact. It did change after removing the json file, so I think it fully reset, but the email prompt didn’t come up after removing the json).
Other than deleting the json file… do I need to do anything to completely reset the server to try starting over again?