Redial at tunnel drop

I love boringproxy project. I use it daily to connect remote computers deployed in the field.
I want to share my work to reestablish the ssh connection after the connection is lost.

I’ve marked the tunnel as not connected in case of ssh failure. During the periodic HTTPS connection to the server, I killed the unconnected sessions. Deleting the tunnel from the tunnel list forced the sync procedure to establish a new tunneling connection. After my change, the tunnel survived internet disconnection and server reboot.

I’m not a GO programmer; therefore, any comments are appreciated.


I’ve created a method that marks the tunnel as not connected. It is done by setting the serverport to 0

func (c *Client) MarkForDelete(tunnel Tunnel) {
	log.Println("<NIR> mark for delete:", tunnel.Domain)

	// Mark for delete
	var tmp = c.tunnels[tunnel.Domain]
	tmp.ServerPort = 0
	c.tunnels[tunnel.Domain] = tmp

I’m marking the tunnel in case of an error during the connection:

func (c *Client) SyncTunnels(ctx context.Context, serverTunnels map[string]Tunnel) {
			go func(closureCtx context.Context, tun Tunnel, k string) {
				err := c.BoreTunnel(closureCtx, tun, k)
				if err != nil {
					log.Println("BoreTunnel error: ", err)
			}(cancelCtx, newTun, k)


func (c *Client) BoreTunnel(ctx context.Context, tunnel Tunnel, k string) error {
				if err != nil {

During periodic status updates:

func (c *Client) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
		for k, _ := range c.tunnels {
			if c.tunnels[k].ServerPort == 0 {
				log.Println("<NIR> Kill tunnel:", k)

				delete(c.cancelFuncs, k)
				delete(c.tunnels, k)

				c.previousEtag = "" // Force resync

@litmus this is excellent! Thanks for working on this. I’m just back from a trip and still catching up on things but I’ll take a look at this soon and see if I can include it in the next release.