(It wouldn’t let me post my whole thread as one topic because I had more than 2 links, so here’s a reply with the rest)
The part that I’m looking for guidance with is is configuring the playbook to listen on the same port that I use in the Boring Proxy tunnels.
And actually updating my DNS, hopefully with minimal downtime.
It looks like this is the overall guide: fronting integrated reverse proxy
However, based on my experience setting up the Matrix server manually using Docker Compose, I’m going to need to run Matrix Federation over port 443 because I won’t be able to create a separate Boring Proxy tunnel for port 8448. I’m THINK I need to update this configuration as follows:
- name: matrix-federation
port: 443
host_bind_port: ''
config: {}
Then to actually deploy this, I’m 95% confident this will work, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction:
a. Final Sync:
sudo chown -R nate:nate /matrix
rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" --progress root@c2matrix:/matrix /
sudo chown -R matrix:matrix /matrix
b. DNS Change: Update matrix-dot A record to point at my Boring Proxy VPS
c. Create a new tunnel in Boring Proxy that maps “matrix-dot” to port 81 (I don’t care about Jitsi, Element, or other subdomains)
d. Update /.well-known/matrix/server (on web server) to point at port 443 instead of 8448
m.server": "matrix.example.com:443
e. Run Playbook:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --tags=setup-all,start
f. Set TTL back to 14400
(Editing to get around hidden post / flagged as spam)