Issues deploying boring proxy

Hello, I set up boring proxy with taking names using a Contabo VPS. I cant seem to access the panel post install. I am having issues deploying boring proxy; I had followed the video guide. I think I may need some additional help. If there is any additional information I need to provide (screenshots, logs, etc) please let me know, thank you.

Hi @Data_Phile,

Any additional warnings or errors printed from the server or client?

Where specifically is it failing and what do you see?

Hello, I apologize for the delayed response, I had thing come up for the next couple of days after posting this; and now I’m feeling under the weather. What I can do when I’m feeling better is scrap the VPS, and re-run it to generate a fresh log and post it its been a couple days so I don’t remember the output (I didn’t save it). What I do recall was there were some errors about Certs IIRC. I’m not sure what else went wrong since its been a week. I apologize for the delays again.

No worries on the delay. Hope you feel better soon!

I had some time to sit down wipe the VPS and start from scratch, I actually didn’t get as far this time, I think the error is related to lets encrypt possibly? I got some screen shots I’m going to post of the steps I took. I’m gonna run and grab A bite to eat right after and I’ll check for a reply! :slight_smile:

Oh I think I missed that you were trying to use Taking names. The boringproxy integration is currently broken. Can you try with manual DNS setup?

Oh, darn, that explains a lot! :laughing: I’ll look into it tomorrow then. I didn’t realize. I was hoping to easy mode with the integration.

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