Help with Minecraft

I have boringproxy running on my DigitalOcean VPS (server) and on my Proxmox homelab (client)

It works fine for websites, however I’m struggling to make it work for Minecraft.
I have “Allow External TCP” enabled, I tried 3 different TLS Terminations (Client HTTP, Client Raw TLS, Server Raw TLS). I have the Minecraft SRV record created in my domain’s DNS records too. I used to use rathole tunnel and Minecraft worked fine, I’m not sure if Minecraft is possible with boringproxy. Yes I did choose a custom server port (1025) and I opened that port on my VPS using UFW.

Does Minecraft work with boringproxy? I also saw this new feature called tuntls but i’m not sure if that is what I have to use, since it would mean running boringproxy twice on the same client?

Hi @ietf. My quick search indicates Minecraft might need both TCP and UDP ports. boringproxy can do TCP but not UDP. I’m working on the successor to boringproxy which will support UDP, but it’s not ready yet. Is there a reason you can’t keep using rathole?

Thanks, I’ll stick to alternatives for the time then.

I wanted to switch because rathole required me to modify 3 configs (client, server, caddy) in 2 servers and restart services every change. boringproxy web UI is way simpler and doesn’t require me to ssh into my servers.

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Thanks. I always ask because I want to make sure boringproxy’s replacement maintains the same features people want as much as possible. Simplicity is definitely a high priority.