Error Setting up boring proxy with

2024/11/14 20:26:46 obtaining certificate: [] Obtain: [] solving challenges: no solvers available for remaining challenges (configured=[http-01 tls-alpn-01] offered=[http-01 dns-01 tls-alpn-01] remaining=[dns-01]) (order= (ca=

Hey @davisrogers. I’ve made some improvements to the TakingNames API recently and I’m not sure boringproxy is still compatible. I don’t think anyone was using the integration until now.

I’m working on a successor to boringproxy that will have full integration with TakingNames. If you’ve purchases a domain from TakingNames and want to get this working with boringproxy, I can see about updating boringproxy to make it work.

All of that said, it looks like the record above is correctly pointing at Are you sure your ports are open? Does boringproxy print any warnings?