Client does not exist for user. Multi clients?

Just new :sweat_smile:

  1. Tried this multiple times, from my Android phone and Windows 10 laptop !

A. I have signed into IndieBits using same email.
B. When I put in my email in the Demo Instance box, I receive a link in my email account.
Clicking on it says, " Client does not exist for user [email] "

  1. Is it possible to set up a single VPS Server, and enable multiple clients behind different routers, via individual subdomains, e.g., 1.sub.domain, 2.sub.domain, 3.sub.domain ?
    Any usage doc links?

Hey @A_Mian, sorry for the super late response! Summer has been really busy. Unfortunately the boringproxy demo instance is down for now. I’ve updated the website to reflect that.