Can't get it to run correctly with the official container behind a nginx reverse-proxy [solved]

I tried running the official Obligator container in a slightly modified setup using Podman behind a simple Nginx reverse-proxy and it seems run fine and accept connections.

However when navigating to the page all I see is a big “Welcome to” and the following error in the browser console:

Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked an inline script (script-src-elem) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “script-src 'none'” utils.js:42:10

The logs of the container correctly log connection attempts:

2024-07-28T20:42:39Z <IP of my reverse-proxy> GET /

Any idea what might be going wrong?

I noticed that the official container is still using the older 0.1.0 beta.

I therefore tried running it without the container now, using the official 0.2.0 beta release file for x86 linux, but the issue is very similar.

Just that I get a 404 page not found on black background that seems to originate from the Obligator process and not the reverse-proxy.

Same error in the browser console and same response in the logs of Obligator (but with the correct client IP and not the reverse-proxy one) as above for the container.

Hmm, actually the /.well-known/openid-configuration seems to be working on my new dockerless installation and some other endpoint like /auth return client_id missing

Maybe I am just missing the right sub-directory for the landing page? Or is it only available when fully setting up a client and accessing it from there?

Edit: Ok when faking it with a client id added to the /auth endpoint it seems to give me a similar page as so I guess it is working.

Would be nice if there was some sort of basic landing page so that this is less confusing.

Would be also great if the -behind-proxy true launch parameter was documented. I only found out about it from the dockerfile and it seems to be important to allow passing through the real IP and not just the reverse-proxy IP. Oddly though it didn’t work with the dockercontainer…

Hi @poVoq,

obligator is still currently beta level with respect to documentation and whatnot. As far as I know there aren’t many people using it. So yeah it still requires a bit of elbow grease to get working.

Is it basically working for you now?

I still need to actually test it with some OIDC clients, but as far as I can tell right now it seems to be working as expected with the 0.2.0 x86 linux release binaries.

Thanks for making this available, I understand that this is still early days, no worries :slight_smile:

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I noticed that I can put a /static/index.html file to show something on the default landing page.

I assume this has no negative effect on anything else?

That’s correct. You should be able to host whatever website/app you want from static/. That’s how works, for example.