Boringproxy Windos installtion won't start

I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with the windows installation. I have issues running the .exe on 3 different windows devices, there’s no error and nothing runs in the background. I’ve also tried running it on my home network and in a mobile hotspot, to no avail. would appreciate any assistance.

Hi @Cype, can you provide some more details? What are the steps you’re following and at what step is it not working?

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Hello I have got an issue with my boring proxy, and the issue is whenever I run it and live it for a long time running it’s seems to weigh down my rdp making it to stop running and it slows down the rdp machine, until I stop and start the rdp before I can access it again, my rdp is a 1gb ram is that the cause or is there anything and remember whenever I start bore it slows the rdp speed making it to lag.

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Not really any way for me to know for sure what the problem is. Does it have the same behavior with other software or just RDP?

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