Boringproxy as a vnc repeater


boringproxy is good to tunnel servers on which we can install the daemon directly.

we are looking for a solution for tunneling/ repeating vnc servers (iot devices) on which no boringproxy
daemon can be installed

as boringproxy software cannot be directly installed on the vnc server machine (closed machineà

is it possible to configure a machine on which run boringproxy deamon behind the NAT
to work as a vnc repeater ?

I haven’t actually used Boringproxy yet, but I guess you could try setting up a reverse proxy on a server in the same network as your VNC host and have that server be a Boringproxy client? So the connection would be external machine —Boringproxy—> server —NPM—> VNC.

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Yeah I think this would basically be the way to do it. NPM here is nginx proxy manager right?

Yes, exactly! Though I guess any other reverse proxy would probably work, too.

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