Solving tcp over tcp slowdown, adding sshuttle support?

In that case, I may just hold off on the matrix stuff, and just wait for when QUIC is added.

I have tried other stuff, its usually in one of the 3 camps. Too hard to understand and setup, Simple to setup but way to limited & dose what I want on paper, but too broken in practice to use.

Boringproxy is way too nice, its a full package that fully solves the problem of exposing self hosted software to the open web, it dose the https & and the reverse proxy web server to route subdomains to different ports too!

Sure setting up nginx with certbot is simple, but when its behind a layer of networking jank iv had issues with cerbot failing. I am spoiled and dont want to deal with any more networking jank, I find it soul crushing to deal with, iv lost days worth of time to that stuff.

Any way, please dont take this the wrong way, I know I am not entitled to your time and work, but ill just wait for QUIC. Also I already have domain names and dont need any thing new, so is there a way to support you that is not thro takingnames?